( ^∇^)

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After I met Jimin and had some small talk with him in the nurse's office,i still had to go to class even though it was almost over


As i opened the door to my classroom,i instantly heard whispers about me. A certain girl was laughung with her friends about something that probably wasnt even that funny. She pointed towards my direction.

Her whole stupid squad of girls started laughing even more....

I quietly walked pass all the desk,to my seat in the back of the classroom. when i finally got there,i plopped down and slumped in my seat nd stared at the clock.

The teacher was talking about whatever irrelevant non useful trash lesson (i hate class). She looked like a burnt potato...

I smiled a bit when i started imagining my teacher as a burnt potato with legs , but it was quickly gone when i felt a cunpled peice of paper hit the back of my head.

My hands flew to my head, and I spun around in my chair and glared at the girl who was snickering with her friends and staring at me.

I just glared

*ding ding ding

The Bell signalled the end of the last period. I started putting my books away into my book bag when I saw him run into my classroom...


He... He was talking with that girl and smiling and laughing....the same girl that was laughing and pointing at me..Then he hugged her...

Then he did the most worst thing I could've ever seen...

He kissed her....

He grabbed her hand, and they walked out the classroom and down the hallways and the girls friends were following close behind.

Is that his girlfriend?? I don't even have a chance...

I was the only one left in the classroom and thank God I was because I wouldn't want anyone to see me crying. I sat in the corner of the classroom with my knees up to my chest and my arms wrapping around my knees. My head was resting on my arms.

All I could think about was how Taehyung kissed that annoying stupid meanie girl... And how I wished it was me... Guys like me just don't get good things..... I was also thinking about what my adoptive dad was going to do to me when I get home

After all, he did say that "we were going to have some fun" when I got home... I don't even wanna go ho-

I stopped thinking when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Jeez he scared me... It's just chimchim..

Crap I forgot I was crying... My face must be a little red and so must my eyes. Jimin was just staring at me with a really worried expression. I don't want him to worry about someone like me. He already has enough on his mind..

All of a sudden he just pulled me into a hug. My head was resting on his shoulder, and he started to play with my hair and rub my back.

"shhhh it's OK. Jimminie is here" he said in a soft quiet voice.

I buried my face into his shirt and just cried. He's such a good person and he's a great friend. I'm so lucky to have met him. I smiled a little bit

"thank you" he pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"what are friends for??" and he smiled back at me.

____ after school ____

I nervously walked down my block scared of what was going to happen when I got home. My dad's words just kept playing over and over again in my mind "we're gonna have some fun when you get home"

I finally got to the gate in front of where I lived. I slowly opened it..

Maybe I could go in quietly, and maybe he forgot about this morning.

I slowly opened the gate and pulled out my keys to the front door.

Unlocking it slowly. Opening it slowly.

There this disgusting fat ass drunk man was. Shirtless and sitting on a couch and watching TV.

"aye. There you are," he said as his lips started to curve upward gross smile with his nasty ass teeth showing "I've been waiting for you"

He started walking closer to me.
For every step he took forward, I took a step backwards.

Soon I was up against the wall and my dad was coming towards me. I was trapped.

"HEY THERE" he was really close to my face, I could even smell the disgusting alcohol on his breath. Even without the alcohol smell, his breath still smelled like shitty booty checks.

I cringed a little.

He must've noticed Because he swiftly kneed me in the stomach. All the wind was knocked out of me and I could barely breath. My body still hadn't even healed from when Jim (the bully bitchboi ) punched me in the stomach, so getting a knee in the gut, felt so much Worse than usual...

I fell to my knees and didn't even have time to catch my breath because next came a punch to the face. My face hit the living room floor, and I slowly felt my vision fading.

Why is life like this...

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